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Body Building For Women - Is It Easier For Women To Bulk Up Than It Is For Men?

Myths about body building for women persist due, in part, to misconceptions about female anatomy and metabolism. Some, such as the myth that body building is only for lesbians and those who wish to become men, are fueled by cultural preferences about sexuality and the female physique.
Below are five other commonly held misconceptions about body building for women.
It will make your body look like a man's
If you're worried about losing your curves and looking too masculine, fear not. Women can't put on the same muscle mass that men do through weight training, simply because they don't have enough testosterone to do so. Weight training will make you look lean and firm, not bulky.
Women can't burn fat like men.
If done the right way, it will lead to the burning of fat and the development of lean mass. How much fat you burn isn't as dependent on biology as much as it is on cardiovascular activity and proper diet.
It will reduce muscle flexibility
On the contrary, body building for women or men can actually increase flexibility. This is why female professional athletes such as gymnasts, track athletes, and volleyball players include body building in their performance training.
This myth may have come from the feeling of tightness experienced after a training session. This sensation is a result of muscle fibers having been pulled and tugged during exercise. Stretching, a recommended step in any exercise routine, will alleviate this feeling.
As long as you weight train, you can eat whatever you want
This would be true if we all had high metabolic rates - but we don't. The amount of fat we store is determined by how many calories we consume and how many calories we burn. Therefore, if you eat more calories than you can burn, the excess will be stored in your body as fat. So even if you work out every single day, if you don't keep your eating habits in check, you won't be losing any weight.
Cardio alone will do the trick
Building your body isn't a one-step process. You won't have the body that you want by only doing cardio. Cardio only burns fat and muscle which, on its own, will only lead to you becoming a smaller version of yourself. You also need to lift weights to actually build muscle and to do some resistance training to tone those muscles and give your body the shape that you want.
I've prepared some powerful body building and fitness secrets for you below, enjoy!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7309327

Body Building For Women - Go From Average to Awesome

Body building for women is one of the fastest growing fitness pursuits.
At one time it was rare to see a female body builder in the neighborhood gym, but the ladies have discovered what the men found out a long time ago: you can build muscle by burning fat.
OK, most women don't pump iron to build bulging biceps. Sure, there are some amazing women body builders out there in international competitions. But they tend to be the exception. Most women lift weights to reach peak fitness - or get a killer beach body.
Here are three important things to bear in mind for female weight lifters:
1) Body building is like running. It will take time and patience. First-time runners don't expect to be doing a marathon in a week or two and body builders will similarly take many weeks to build resistance and get strength and tone.
2) It's important to get good advice and to follow a recognized body training program. The worst thing you can do is buy a home weight set and try to go it alone. You could do yourself some serious damage, such as ripping or pulling muscles.
3) if you have underlying health problems, including high blood pressure, any kind of heart problem or diabetes you should certainly get the advice of your doctor before embarking on any fitness program - whether it's body building or jogging.
One of the best body building programs around for men and women is Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle. Venuto is an award-winning body builder who has helped thousands of people get in the best shape of their lives - not to mention cause jaws to drop at the beach when they walk by in a killer swimsuit!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2213287
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